English Request Form: [ CLICK HERE ]

Please fill out the following form if you would like to receive your contribution statement for 2023.

Please note that if your name does not match the name you put on your offering, we cannot confirm your giving. There is a 2-week turnaround time to receive your information.

Inquiries: finance@lifespring.kr

※ Collection and Use of Personal Information and Resident Registration Numbers
Personal information and resident registration numbers are collected and used without the consent of the information subject as follows in accordance with Article 15 (1) 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
□ Collection item: Name, resident registration number, address
□ Reason for processing: Receipt of donation
□ Evidence of collection: Article 34 of the Income Tax Act and attached Form 45-2 of the Enforcement Rules of the same Act

(ref) PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ACT Article 15 (Collection and Use of Personal Information) (1) 2
(1) A personal information controller may collect personal information in any of the following circumstances, and use it with the scope of the purpose of collection:
2. Where special provisions exist in laws or it is inevitable to observe legal obligations;

Updated: 12/23/2023